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Luxury Royal Blue Invitation Box


Handmade dark blue silk invitation box with hinged lid

Handmade invitation box, featuring golden glitter lace and luxury crown brooch crystal embellishment. If you are looking to create a boxed wedding invitation, this royal blue silk fabric box might be right. We offer it in featured or custom color which allows to match the color of the inviattion box to your unique wedding theme.

  • Measurements: 7*7*1 inches (We can manufacture any other size for you!)
  • Material: Locally sourced silk from Thailand
  • Price: Please message us first prices are determined by order quantity
  • Color: Royal blue with golden glitter lace and gold plated crystal pair brooch
  • Shape: Square
  • Lace: This box comes with unique lace featuring golden glitter
  • Style: Luxury boxed wedding invitations
  • Feature: Pocket holder, gatefold closure, pair brooch embellishment, luxury glitter
  • Usage: Boxed wedding inviattion, special announcement, gala, party invitations
  • Send inquiries: You can always contact us for more information and support!
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